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39 how to date a vintage hudson bay blanket

Hudson Bay Wool Collectible Blankets for sale | eBay VINTAGE Hudson Bay 3-1/2 Point WOOL BLANKET 88'x 60' $115.00 $31.25 shipping Beautiful Vintage Hudson Bay 4 Point Striped Blanket 90" x 72" 100% Wool $162.50 9 bids $30.58 shipping 1d 1h Vintage Hudson's Bay Style RED & BLACK Wool Blanket 65" by 54"VGC $48.00 0 bids $8.00 shipping 5d 4h or Buy It Now Benefits charity Point Blankets - age There are a number of clues to dating the manufacture of various point blankets. If the blanket has a label the task is fairly easy. I have identified and dated some two-dozen styles of labels used by the Hudson's Bay Company since 1890. ... The "Trademark A" label (above) was used by Hudson's Bay Company on its blankets around 1890 and the ...

HBC Heritage — Frequently Asked Questions The blanket label is the best tool to date a blanket: its colour, size, colour of thread, text, and layout of the text all provide useful information regarding the date of manufacture. The colour and size of the blanket are also extremely telling. ... That being said, it is relatively rare with Hudson's Bay blankets because of the way they ...

How to date a vintage hudson bay blanket

How to date a vintage hudson bay blanket

Vintage Hudson's Bay point blanket label. Made in England, but ... Jun 14, 2014 - Vintage Hudson's Bay point blanket label. Made in England, but iconically Canadian! My collection. Jun 14, 2014 - Vintage Hudson's Bay point blanket label. ... The pineapple has long been known as a symbol of hospitality. More research needed to be done on more precise dating. I am thinking about 1860!!. Any thoughts on this ... Re: Determining age and value of Hudson Bay Blanket It is a 2 point cream color with the black, yellow, red and green stripes on both ends. The label is white with orange lettering and reads "Hudson Bay Point Blanket, Hudson Bay Company Incorporated 1670 (in circle with crest design), The Seal of Quality, 100% wool, US Reg No. 220747, Canada Reg No. 19576, MAde in England. The Collector's Guide to Point Blankets - Canadian Roadstories After finishing his first book for the HBC - The Blanket: an Illustrated History of the Hudson's Bay Point Blanket, Harold asked me to design his self-published, definitive work - The Collector's Guide to Point Blankets of the Hudson's Bay Company and Other Companies Trading in North America. Yes, the title is a bit of a mouthful, but it has become a standard reference for antique ...

How to date a vintage hudson bay blanket. Rare(r) 1930s Hudson Bay Company Point Blanket - Vintage T-Shirt Forum ... Rare (r) 1930s Hudson Bay Company Point Blanket. by CRAZYBUBBA » Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:54 pm. Like the one before, this one is also from the 1930s, but it's color and gold label makes it rare. The gold labels were then issued only on pastel colored blankets. It's great to be a blanket collector in Canada because there's an abundance of great HBC ... Vintage Hudson's Bay Company Point Blanket 3.5 Point | Etsy Description. Gorgeous Hudson's Bay Company Point Blanket. 3.5 points approx. 76" x 57". 100% Wool, Made in England. Light pink with darker pink stripe at each end. Label intact - good condition. 100% Wool Dotted - c. 1955 - 1973 (The Collector's Guide to Point Blankets, Tichenor, p.71 2002). Weave in good condition, faded colour, slight ... Hudson's Bay point blanket - Wikipedia A Hudson's Bay point blanket is a type of wool blanket traded by the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) in British North America, now Canada and the United States from 1779 to present. The blankets were typically traded to First Nations in exchange for beaver pelts. Hudson Bay Blankets - Authentic Hudson's Bay Blanket - YouTube Genuine Hudson Bay Blankets From Hanks Clothinghttp:// Same Day -- Please call us with any questions.866-4...

The Hudson's Bay Company Blanket - Harrowsmith Magazine While HBC exchanged blankets for furs as far back as the 1600s, the first record of a striped blanket is from a 1779 order sent to the textile mill of Thomas Empson in Oxfordshire, England: "30 pair (s) of 3 points to be striped with four colours (red, blue, green, yellow) according to your judgment." What is a Hudson's Bay Point Blanket? (with picture) This system began in France in the 18th century. One could tell points by the black lines woven on the sides of the blankets. A single point blanket would have a line that was 4 to 5.5 inches (10.16 to 13.97 cm) in length. Additional lines would mean the blanket had additional point values. Hudson Bay Blankets By Woolrich from Dann, Complete Collection Dennis & Joan. "A Hudson's Bay point blanket is a type of wool blanket traded by the Hudson's Bay Company in western British North America and the United States during the 18th century and 19th century. The blankets were typically traded to First Nations and Native Americans in exchange for beaver pelts." 100% Wool. How To Date A Hudson Bay blankets Story - Blanket Night blankets. Hudson Bay blankets is one of the most popular dating websites on the web. It's easy to find a date with Hudson Bays, which offers a variety of events for both private and public events. From bars and restaurants to online dates, we have a date idea for everyone. It's also possible to meet people through the website, which is ...

Antique Hudson's Bay Blanket Label Guide : 10 New Uses For Vintage Wool ... There are a number of clues to dating the manufacture of various point blankets. 3.5 points and original labels. "it's even whispered, up canada way, that ancient trappers,. ... There used to be an old hbc post near where i live. 1920s hudsons bay 1930s point blanket wool art deco coat jacket hudson vintage. Antique Hudson's Bay Blanket Label ... The History of the Hudson's Bay Point Blanket The standard measurements for a pair of 1 point blankets was: 2 ft. 8 in. wide by 8 ft. in length; with a weight of 3 lb. 1 oz. each. Points ranged from 1 to 6, increasing by halves depending upon the size and weight of the blanket. The number of points represented the overall finished size of the blanket. hudson bay blanket | eBay vintage Hudson Bay blanket 82" x 63" blanket D made in UK REDUCED!!!! Pre-Owned. C $126.28. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. 0 bids · Time left 1d 2h left. C $171.75. Buy It Now +C $52.98 shipping estimate. from United States. ... Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. See each listing for international shipping options ... Hudson's Bay Point Blanket | The Canadian Encyclopedia The Hudson's Bay Point Blanket is a wool blanket with a series of stripes and points (markers on cloth) first made for the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) in 1779. The most iconic design is that which is white with green, red, yellow and indigo stripes; these colours are now used as an emblem for the HBC.

NOW AND THEN: Pendleton and Hudson Bay Blankets - Lynn Byrne The labels are how most collectors date the age of the blanket. If you ever spy an unlabeled, round corner blanket, scoop it up. It could date before 1890.* Click here for more information on collecting these blankets. Here is an example of the Hudson Bay label used between 1934-1940. PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS

Dating Hudson Bay Blanket Labels - Hudson's Bay point blanket It bears a style of label which stopped being used by Hudsons Bay in the late s. Some manufacturers for point blanket coats merely tailored their standard mackinaw pattern for a different throw. In the early s Maine Guide produced a model for a double breasted chest and a zippered bottom.

HUDSON BAY 4 POINT VINTAGE WOOL BLANKET | eBay HUDSON BAY 4 POINT VINTAGE WOOL BLANKET. Please note the pictures as there are some moth damage spots due to its age. I Have NOT cleaned this..there are a few dark spots - see pictures- not bad considering its age.

Age of this Hudson's Bay Coat? - Vintage Fashion Guild Forums I just purchased this Hudson's Bay blanket coat that the seller listed as 1970s however I think it might be earlier, possibly 1920s. It's unlined and the label on the inside corresponds to the 1920s Hudson's Bay label. I've found a photo and an illustration of women in similar styles of coats.

Collectibles - The eBay Community I accepted a buyer's offer on a vintage watch. The price agreed upon was to cover both the purchase and international shipping costs. Ebay is blocking buyer from making payment because their address is international. Can I adjust to allow internation...

Rarest Hudson's Bay Blanket Label. The Golden Trademark These Red embroidered Trademark labels were the very first to be sewn onto Hudson Bay Point blankets starting around 1890. And before this they sometimes used paper labels attached onto a corner with jute. If you read the last sentence in the description it says " There may be gold embroidered variants of this label "

A Brief History of Canada's Iconic Hudson's Bay Blanket According to the official company history, blankets had been taken to Hudson Bay as trade goods as far back as 1668. But it was in 1779 that the Company first commissioned the English textile mill...

Vintage Blankets | Collectors Weekly The first time any piece of cloth or bedding was called a "blanket" was in 1340, when Thomas Blanquette, a Flemish weaver living in England, developed a heavily napped woollen weave. In the early days, all blankets were made of wool, which provided warmth and was resistant to fire. Thinner, skin-friendly sheets were made of cotton or linen.

Hudson Bay Blanket | Etsy Vintage 80s Levi's X Hudson's Bay Blanket Lined Reversible Size Medium Denim Jacket -- Vintage Unisex Jacket. BuddhaBellyVintage. (371) $600.99 FREE shipping. Vintage red and black striped wool 4.5 point iconic Hudson Bay blanket. Measures 73.5" x 60".

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