44 node label jenkins
Label (Jenkins core 2.349 API) If there's no such label defined in Node or Cloud . This is usually used as a signal that this label is invalid. getApi public Api getApi () Expose this object to the remote API. accept public abstract V accept ( LabelVisitor visitor, P param) Accepts a visitor and call its respective "onXYZ" method based no the actual type of 'this'. [JENKINS-62835] Node and Label Parameter not Compatible with Active ... Description It seems like Active Choices Reactive Reference parameter is not able to reference a Node/Label paremeter. Basically, it would be useful to dynamically define default build parameters given a node or label. The Active Choices developers pointed out it depends on the parameter type.
In a declarative jenkins pipeline - can I set the agent label dynamically? def agent_label = null node ('master') { stage ('checkout and set agent') { checkout scm ### or just use any other approach to figure out agent label: read file, etc if (env.branch_name == 'master') { agent_label = "prod" } else { agent_label = "dev" } } } pipeline { agent { label "$ {agent_label}" } stages { stage ('normal …
Node label jenkins
Labels, groups, and load balancing - Mastering Jenkins [Book] When creating a new slave node, Jenkins allows us to tag a slave node with a label. Labels represent a way of naming one or more slaves. We leverage this labeling system to tie the execution of a job directly to one or more slave nodes. [JENKINS-15749] Predefined parameters not passing correct NODE_LABELS ... Jenkins version 1.482 running on CentOS 5.8 Similar Issues: Description The value of "master" gets passed to the down stream job when you define NODE_LABELS in the Predefined parameters section of an upstream job. See attached screenshot showing the "Predefined parameters section" of the upstream job and the console output of the downstream job. NodeLabel Parameter Plugin - Jenkins The nodelabel parameter plugin also adds a BuildParameterFactory to the parameterized trigger plugin, this factory enables you to trigger a build of a specific project on all nodes having the same label. Add the a "Trigger/call builds on other projects" build step define the project you want to run on each node
Node label jenkins. Setting Up a Jenkins Slave Node | Baeldung To configure the Master server, we'll log in to the Jenkins server and follow the steps below. First, we'll go to "Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes -> New Node" to create a new node: On the next screen, we enter the "Node Name" (slaveNode1), select "Permanent Agent", then click "OK": After clicking "OK", we'll be taken to a ... Jenkins : Slave Setup Plugin It also allows you to start and stop slaves on demand from the master node. Label-based setup. The slave setup plugin gets executed for a slave, if the given label expression matches and on: Jenkins startup as a slave gets connected. Save of the Jenkins configuration page if the "deploy on save now" checkox is checked. New or re-connection of a ... Jenkins node labels - Infrastructure - Apache Software Foundation x-Archived Infra pages Jenkins node labels Created by Gavin McDonald, last modified by Andrew Wetmore on Aug 25, 2021 This page has now been superseded and archived. We now have multiple client masters and so each has a dedicated page of information including nodes, labels and installed plugins. NodeLabel Parameter Plugin - Jenkins The nodelabel parameter plugin also adds a BuildParameterFactory to the parameterized trigger plugin, this factory enables you to trigger a build of a specific project on all nodes having the same label. Add the a "Trigger/call builds on other projects" build step define the project you want to run on each node
[JENKINS-15749] Predefined parameters not passing correct NODE_LABELS ... Jenkins version 1.482 running on CentOS 5.8 Similar Issues: Description The value of "master" gets passed to the down stream job when you define NODE_LABELS in the Predefined parameters section of an upstream job. See attached screenshot showing the "Predefined parameters section" of the upstream job and the console output of the downstream job. Labels, groups, and load balancing - Mastering Jenkins [Book] When creating a new slave node, Jenkins allows us to tag a slave node with a label. Labels represent a way of naming one or more slaves. We leverage this labeling system to tie the execution of a job directly to one or more slave nodes.
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