39 wisdom insecticide label
PDF Safety Data Sheet WISDOM TC Flowable dermal acute * Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown. LD50 rabbit > 2000 mg/kg Tox Cat IV Skin corrosion/irritation Prolonged skin contact may cause temporary irritation. 4 / 9 Material name: WISDOM TC Flowable 905 Version #: 03 Revision date: 03-04-2016 Issue date: 04-21-2015 SDS US Wisdom EZ Granular Insecticide | | PestWeb by Veseris WISDOM EZ Granular contains 0.2% bifenthrin on a dispersible granule. When water contacts the material, within minutes one EZ 150 SGN particle plus water becomes 190,000 dispersed particles. This offers the best possible coverage and performance. WISDOM EZ Granular is effective at controlling ants, fleas, fire ants, mole crickets and chinch bugs.
INSECTICIDE - Animal and Insect Pest Management WISDOM LAWN GRANULAR INSECTICIDE) per acre per year. Apply this product directly to the lawn or garden area. Water treated area as directed on this label.

Wisdom insecticide label
Wisdom TC Flowable Insecticide - 7.9% Bifenthrin | DoMyOwn.com Wisdom TC Flowable Insecticide Label Wisdom TC Flowable Insecticide SDS Supplemental Label for Spotted Lantern Fly Features and Specs Details + Read More CAUTION Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid breathing spray mist. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. PDF KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN - PestWeb Note: A spray rig that is calibrated to apply 0.1 lb a.i./A (20 ozs.) of Wisdom contains the approximate dilution (1 teaspoon per gallon) that is required for fire ant mound drenches in the spray tank. *Application of 125 lbs/acre of WISDOM LAWN GRANULAR INSECTICIDE will provide six months re- Wisdom TC Bifenthrin Insecticide - 1 Gallon - Seed World Wisdom TC Flowable controls a broad spectrum of insects such as mosquitoes, termites, ticks, fleas, fire ants, mole cricket adults and nymphs, chinch bugs, ...
Wisdom insecticide label. LABEL - Professional Pest Control Products & Info from Veseris Email Wisdom Lawn Granular Insecticide Label Link. Product: Wisdom Lawn Granular Insecticide; Document Type: Label; Email Address of Recipient Message To Recipient. Fax Wisdom Lawn Granular Insecticide Label. Product: Wisdom Lawn Granular Insecticide; Document Type: Label; Fax Number of Recipient Message To Recipient. PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, WISDOM TC FLOWABLE TERMITICIDE ... amended labeling constitutes acceptance of these conditions. A stamped copy of the label is enclosed for your records. If you have any questions regarding this action, please contact Susan Stanton of my team at (703) 305-5218. Enclosures Sincerely. George T. LaRocca Product~anager(13) Insecticide Branch Registration Division (7505C) Wisdom TC Flowable - Product Information | LabelSDS Signal Word: Caution. Groups: Pesticide - 3A. Summary: To control pests indoors and outdoors on residential and commercial sites. For use ... Labels for WISDOM 2EC INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE (5481-592) | US EPA Labels for WISDOM 2EC INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE (5481-592) Pre-fix You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF pageto learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest 1 - 4
Wisdom TC Flowable | AMVAC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Wisdom TC Flowable | AMVAC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Wisdom TC Flowable AMVAC Snapshot ID: 53711 Active ingredients Bifenthrin Classification 3A Insecticide WSSA mode of action Sodium channel modulators Registration EPA: 5481-520 Pests PDF KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION - Amazon Web Services ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Bifenthrin 7.9% OTHER INGREDIENTS 92.1% TOTAL ..100.0% Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum Wisdom TC Flowable contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION FIRST AID If swallowed: • Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. WISDOM® LAWN GRANULAR INSECTICIDE with Bifenthrin - AMGUARD Insecticide with Bifenthrin WISDOM® LAWN GRANULAR INSECTICIDE contains bifenthrin on a sand-based carrier. This pyrethroid insecticide is used in lawn and perimeter applications to control various turf and perimeter pests such as ants (including imported fire ants), fleas, mole crickets, chinch bugs and European crane flies. PDF Wisdom Lawn Granular Specimen.10607-20150414 - Amazon Web Services /A (20 ozs.) of Wisdom TC Flowable (EPA Reg. No. 5481-for fire ant mound drenches in the spray tank. *Application of 125 lbs./A of WISDOM LAWN GRANULAR INSECTICIDE will provide six months residual activity for control of foraging Imported Fire Ants and newly mated fly-in queens. *Not applicable in California.
Wisdom TC Flowable - Advanced Turf Solutions WISDOM® TC Flowable contains bifenthrin. This pyrethroid insecticide is used to control termites and other indoor and outdoor structural pests, as well as a broad spectrum of lawn and ornamental pests as listed on the label. APPLICATIONS wisdom tc flowable insecticide label - childrenoftomorrow.com wisdom tc flowable insecticide label. 4745 Dahlgren Rd Carver, MN 55315 best hair salons in draper utah. what is the head of a hammer called Facebook. wisdom tc flowable insecticide label. 316 W Hwy 212 Norwood Young America, MN 55368 poulan pp4218avx chain. smart-ups srt 2200 battery replacement Facebook. Wisdom EZ Insecticide (25 lb) - Digital Vantage Point Bag. Wisdom EZ - lawn and perimeter granular insecticide, for getting rid of ants, armyworms, fleas, pillbugs and other insects, on lawns, athletic fields, parks and more. Features bifenthrin. Wisdom EZ Non Crop Insecticide contain 0.2% bifentrhin on a dispersible granule. When water contacts the materials, within minutes, one granule 150 SGN ... PDF RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE Toxic to Fish and Aquatic Organisms - Agrian label.The physical compatibility of Wisdom Flowable may vary with different sources of pesticide products and local cultural practices.Any tank mixtures which has not been previously tested should be prepared on a small scale (pint or quart jar) using the proper proportions of chemicals and water to
Wisdom TC Flowable - ADAPCO®, LLC, an Azeils compamy Wisdom TC Flowable Manufacturer: AMGUARD Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin Categories: Barrier Sprays, Midge/Fly Control, Mosquito Control Products Product Specs: 7.9% Bifenthrin Packaging: 4x1 gl cs Wisdom TC Flowable Sell Sheet Wisdom TC Label Description
Wisdom TC Flowable (gal) - Digital Vantage Point Wisdom TC can also be used for pre construction/new home construction anti termite treatment, as vertical or horizonal barriers (for specific control methods see label). Wisdom TC also contains bifenthrin, and is an IRAC Group 3 insecticide. Target Pest: Mosquitoes, ants, bees, wasps, termites, fire ants and other listed pests

Talak 7.9 F Bifenthrin Insecticide Concentrate by Atticus (Equivalent to The Leading Brand) –– Indoor and Outdoor Insect Control (3/4 Gallon)
DUE TO TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES GROUP INSECTICIDE2B - Bayer Apply Topchoice ® Insecticide to control Imported Fire Ants Solenopsis spp. in turfgrass and landscape beds in accordance with the application rate table. Compatibility studies with other pesticides, fertilizers, and other biologically active materials have not been completed. Do not apply in combination with other materials.
Wisdom Flowable - Greenbook.net label. The physical compatibility of Wisdom Flowable may vary with different sources of pesticide products and local cultural practices. Any tank mixtures.
WISDOM® TC FLOWABLE Insecticide with Bifenthrin WISDOM® TC Flowable contains Bifenthrin. This pyrethroid insecticide is used to control termites and other indoor and outdoor structural pests, as well as a broad spectrum of lawn and ornamental pests as listed on label. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more PRODUCT VIDEO PRODUCT DETAILS PRODUCT DETAILS SUPPLEMENTAL DOCUMENTS
Wisdom EZ Granular Insecticide - DoMyOwn.com Wisdom EZ Granular Insecticide is a specially formulated insecticide that controls several landscape and turf pests. It destroys pests such as ants, fleas, mole crickets, chinch bugs, and European crane flies. Its distinct mode of action enables it to interrupt nerve impulse transmission, resulting in paralysis and death for the insect.
Wisdom Lawn Granular Insecticide, Amvac | Forestry Distributing North ... Wisdom Lawn Granular Insecticide contains 0.2% bifenthrin on a sand based carrier. This pyrethroid insecticide is used in lawn and perimeter applications to control various perimeter pests Sold Individually Delivery date: 3-5 days $25.95 Qty: Additional information Manufacturer: Amvac Related products Product tags Insecticide (343) Bifenthrin
Wisdom TC Flowable Non-Crop Insecticide 1 qt. - 10114152 WISDOM TC Flowable is labeled for food/feed handling establishments, mosquito control, ants, bees, wasps and fire a Wisdom TC Flowable Non-Crop Insecticide 1 qt. - 10114152 JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.
Wisdom TC Flowable - DIY Pest Control Wisdom TC controls mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, fire ants, mole cricket adults and nymphs, chinch bugs, and other lawn pests. It also has a label to control termites. Wisdom TC may be applied to lawns, around the perimeter, ornamentals, as well as inside in both residential and commercial buildings. Pyrethroid Insecticide
PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 - Us Epa Product Name: Wisdom 2EC Insecticide/Miticide EPA Registration Number: 5481-592 Application Date: 16 January 2017 Decision Number: 525480 Dear Mr. Davis: The amended label referred to above, submitted in connection with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended, is acceptable. This approval does not
Wisdom 25 lb. Insecticide Lawn Granules at Tractor Supply Co. Buy Wisdom 25 lb. Insecticide Lawn Granules at Tractor Supply Co. Great Customer Service.
PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - Agrian PRODUCT NAME: WISDOM™ Flowable; WISDOM™ TC Flowable GENERAL USE: Pyrethroid type insecticide/miticide PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Beige opaque liquid suspension with a bland odor MOLECULAR FORMULA (Active Ingredient): C23H22ClF3O2 (Bifenthrin) EPA Registration Number: 5481-519; 5481-520 MSDS No.: 317_7 Current Revision Date: 19 December, 2007
wisdom lawn granular insecticide - EPA Jul 21, 2021 ... Registration Review Label Mitigation for Bifenthrin. Product Name: WISDOM LAWN GRANULAR INSECTICIDE. EPA Registration Number: 5481-521.
U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, WISDOM TC FLOWABLE, 08/19 ... Aug 19, 2004 ... Change primary name to WISDOM TC FLOWABLE & submit Final Printed Labels (per ... 0 Label. 0 Container. 0 On Labeling accompanying product.
Wisdom EZ Lawn Granular Insecticide - diypestcontrol Wisdom EZ Lawn Granular Insecticide contains 0.2% bifenthrin in dispersed granules. It may be applied by hand or a spreader; the granule size is a larger size than Wisdom Granules. This broad-spectrum insecticide controls chinch bugs, fleas, fire ants, ticks, roaches, spiders, mole crickets and many other insect pests.
Wisdom 1 qt. TC Flowable Insecticide at Tractor Supply Co. Buy Wisdom 1 qt. TC Flowable Insecticide at Tractor Supply Co. Great Customer Service.
Wisdom TC Bifenthrin Insecticide - 1 Gallon - Seed World Wisdom TC Flowable controls a broad spectrum of insects such as mosquitoes, termites, ticks, fleas, fire ants, mole cricket adults and nymphs, chinch bugs, ...
PDF KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN - PestWeb Note: A spray rig that is calibrated to apply 0.1 lb a.i./A (20 ozs.) of Wisdom contains the approximate dilution (1 teaspoon per gallon) that is required for fire ant mound drenches in the spray tank. *Application of 125 lbs/acre of WISDOM LAWN GRANULAR INSECTICIDE will provide six months re-
Wisdom TC Flowable Insecticide - 7.9% Bifenthrin | DoMyOwn.com Wisdom TC Flowable Insecticide Label Wisdom TC Flowable Insecticide SDS Supplemental Label for Spotted Lantern Fly Features and Specs Details + Read More CAUTION Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid breathing spray mist. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling.
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