38 quilt xl fungicide
Quilt Xcel® | FBN WebQuilt Xcel® Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Quilt Xcel® Product label As compared to GCS Azoxyprop Unavailable Find available similar products Group 11 3 Fungicide Active … Quilt Xcel® | FBN Quilt Xcel® Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Quilt Xcel® Product label As compared to GCS Azoxyprop Unavailable Find available similar products Group 11 3 Fungicide Active Ingredients Azoxystrobin (1.18 lbs/gal); Propiconazole (1.02 lbs/gal) Add to Cart Compare similar products Free Shipping over $5,000 0% Financing** Direct to Farm Delivery
Quilt Xcel - Fungicide Product & Label Information WebQuilt Xcel Fungicide. Delivering disease control uniformly throughout the plant, Quilt Xcel ® fungicide helps plants withstand wet conditions with stronger, deeper roots. Disease …

Quilt xl fungicide
Quilt Fungicide - DoMyOwn.com Quilt Fungicide is specifically formulated to control a broad spectrum of plant diseases. Contains propiconazole and azoxystrobin as its active ingredients that are both highly effective in preventing and controlling fungal diseases on crops. Quilt Xcel - Fungicide Product & Label Information | Syngenta US Quilt Xcel - Fungicide Product & Label Information | Syngenta US Delivering disease control uniformly throughout the plant, Quilt Xcel fungicide helps plants withstand wet conditions with stronger, deeper roots. Skip to main content Label SDS Find Resellers Syngenta Global Crops Crops Corn Soybeans Cereals Sugarbeets California Citrus Quilt Fungicide - Syngenta WebApproved QUILT Fungicide 28328 2022-03-04 Page 2 of 28 1.0 NOTICE TO USER : This pest control product is to be used only in accordance wi th the directions on the label. It is …
Quilt xl fungicide. Quilt® - Fungicide | Syngenta CA Convenient, ready-to-apply pre-mix Four fungicides to control a broad range of seed- and soil-borne diseases, plus an insecticide for protection against wireworms Excellent control of Fusarium and Rhizoctonia Liquid formulation allows for on-farm application with no build-up in treater Active ingredients PDF QUILT® FUNGICIDE - Syngenta US QUILT® FUNGICIDE 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION A13705L Use: Fungicide Product identifier on label: QUILT® FUNGICIDE Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 Manufacturer Phone: 1-800-334-9481 Emergency Phone: 1-800-888-8372 Product No.: 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Warning Classifications: Signal Word (OSHA): Syngenta | United States Syngenta | United States Quilt® - Fungicide | Syngenta CA WebConvenient, ready-to-apply pre-mix Four fungicides to control a broad range of seed- and soil-borne diseases, plus an insecticide for protection against wireworms Excellent …
Quilt Xcel - SYNGENTA fungicide WebQUILT XCEL contains the strobilurin fungicide azoxystrobin (Qol) and the triazole (DMI) propiconazole. Azoxystrobin and other strobilurin analogues inhibit fungal respiration. … PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 - Us Epa Quilt Xcel is a broad-spectrum, preventative fungicide with systemic and curative properties recommended for the control of many important plant diseases. Quilt Xcel Fungicide is a member of Syngenta's Plant Performance™ product line and may also improve the yield and/or quality of the crop. These additional benefits are due to Quilt Xcel - SYNGENTA fungicide WebQUILT XCEL Fungicide is a broad spectrum, prevent ative fungicide with systemic and curative properties recommended for the control of important plant diseases in Crop … PDF QUILT XCEL® FUNGICIDE - Syngenta US QUILT XCEL® FUNGICIDE 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION A15909E Use: Fungicide Product identifier on label: QUILT XCEL® FUNGICIDE Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 Manufacturer Phone: 1-800-334-9481 Emergency Phone: 1-800-888-8372 Product No.: 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION
Quilt® Fungicide | FBN - Farmers Business Network WebQuilt® Fungicide Product label Unavailable Group 11 3 Fungicide Active Ingredients Azoxystrobin (0.62 lbs/gal); Propiconazole (1.04 lbs/gal) Add to Cart Free Shipping over … Quilt Xcel Fungicide - 2.5 Gallon [100-1324] - $424.95 : Keystone Pest ... Quilt Xcel fungicide provides preventive and curative disease control, plant stress management and yield-boosting benefits that bring a positive return on investment on corn, soybean and cereal crops. Quilt Xcel helps crops to yield their full potential by shielding plants from stress while providing broad spectrum disease control. Highlights Quilt Xcel Fungicide - 2.5 Gallon [100-1324] - $424.95 : … WebQuilt Xcel fungicide provides preventive and curative disease control, plant stress management and yield-boosting benefits that bring a positive return on investment on … PDF Broad-spectrum fungicide for control of plant diseases Contains azoxystrobin + propiconazole, the active ingredients used in Quilt Xcel® Aquila XL is not manufactured or distributed by Syngenta, ... AQUILA XL Fungicide may improve the yield and/or quality of the crop. These additional benefits are due to positive effects on plant physiology. The effects may vary according to other factors such as ...
QUILT XCEL® FUNGICIDE - Syngenta US WebQUILT XCEL® FUNGICIDE 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION A15909E Use: Fungicide Product identifier on label: QUILT XCEL® FUNGICIDE Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop …
Quilt Xcel | Syngenta LLC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Quilt Xcel Snapshot ID: 46482 Active ingredients Azoxystrobin Propiconazole Classification 11 Fungicide WSSA mode of action complex III of fungal respiration: ubiquinol oxidase, Qo site Classification 3 Fungicide WSSA mode of action C14-demethylation in sterol biosynthesis Registration EPA: 100-1324 Pests
Product Details - syngenta-us.com CruiserMaxx ® APX seed treatment offers unmatched broad-spectrum protection against early-season diseases and insects to give soybean seedlings the strongest possible start. Discover More >>
Quilt Xcel: An Elite Performing Fungicide in a Class of its Own Quilt Xcel® fungicide is an elite systemic fungicide containing the Power of Two™ active ingredients providing both curative and longer-lasting preventive ...
2020 Fungicide Classification Chart - Take Action QUILT QUILT XCEL propiconazole3 azoxystrobin11 REVYTEK mefentrifluconazole3 fluxapyroxad7 pyraclostrobin11 STRATEGO YLD prothioconazole3 trifloxystrobin11 TOPGUARD EQ flutriafol3 azoxystrobin11 TOPSIN XTR thiophanate-methyl1 tebuconazole3 TRIVAPRO propiconazole3 benzovindiflupyr7 azoxystrobin11 VELTYMA mefentrifluconazole3 pyraclostrobin11
Using Quilt Xcel® or Quadris® Fungicides pre-emerge and/or post ... oz./A of Quilt Xcel per crop in soybeans. •. Do not apply more than of 123 fl. oz./A/growing season of Quadris Fungicide in corn ...
Quilt® Fungicide | FBN - Farmers Business Network Quilt® Fungicide. Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Quilt® Fungicide. Product label. Unavailable. Group 11 3 Fungicide. Active Ingredients. Azoxystrobin (0.62 lbs/gal); Propiconazole (1.04 lbs/gal) Add to Cart. Free Shipping over $5,000. ... Aquila™ XL. Aquila™ XL. Armada® 50 WDG. Armada® 50 WP. Artavia™ Xcel.
Quilt Xcel Fungicide - DoMyOwn.com Product Overview. Quilt Xcel Fungicide is a specially formulated fungicide made to deliver disease control throughout the plant. It controls listed diseases and improves plant resistance to dry conditions. Reduces water loss, allowing plants to make better use of the water they have. This product enables plants to withstand wet conditions better.
Quilt Fungicide - Syngenta Approved QUILT Fungicide 28328 2022-03-04 Page 2 of 28 1.0 NOTICE TO USER : This pest control product is to be used only in accordance wi th the directions on the label. It is an offence under the Pest Control P roducts Act to use this product in a way that is inconsi stent with the
PDF US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, QUILT XCEL, 08/10/2012 Quilt Xcel® Fungicide Broad spectrum fungicide for control of plant diseases i This supplemental label expires on 08/12/2015 and must not be used or distributed after this date i Active Ingredients Azdxystrobm 135% Propiconazole 11 7% Other Ingredients 74 8% Total 1000% Contains 1 02 Ib a i propiconazole and 1 18 Ib a i azoxystrobm per gallon
Aquila™ XL | FBN Aquila™ XL. As compared to GCS Azoxyprop or Quilt Xcel ... Add to Cart. Compare similar products. Product. GCS Azoxyprop. Product. Product. Quilt Xcel® ... Quilt® Fungicide. Radius™ ESQ. RustEase. Stratego® ...
Quilt Xcel - SYNGENTA fungicide QUILT XCEL contains the strobilurin fungicide azoxystrobin (Qol) and the triazole (DMI) propiconazole. Azoxystrobin and other strobilurin analogues inhibit fungal respiration. Propiconazole is a triazole (DMI) fungicide. Propiconazole is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties.
Atticus Aquila XL Fungicide - Atticus LLC Applying Aquila XL as a preventative not only provides early protection from the major disease it also lengthens photosynthesis improving plant growth, increasing grain and pod fill. Aquila XL is a broad-spectrum fungicide with both preventative and curative activity while also protecting new plant growth.
Quilt Xcel | Syngenta LLC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook WebQuilt Xcel Snapshot ID: 46482 Active ingredients Azoxystrobin Propiconazole Classification 11 Fungicide WSSA mode of action complex III of fungal respiration: ubiquinol oxidase, …
Quilt Fungicide - Syngenta WebApproved QUILT Fungicide 28328 2022-03-04 Page 2 of 28 1.0 NOTICE TO USER : This pest control product is to be used only in accordance wi th the directions on the label. It is …
Quilt Xcel - Fungicide Product & Label Information | Syngenta US Quilt Xcel - Fungicide Product & Label Information | Syngenta US Delivering disease control uniformly throughout the plant, Quilt Xcel fungicide helps plants withstand wet conditions with stronger, deeper roots. Skip to main content Label SDS Find Resellers Syngenta Global Crops Crops Corn Soybeans Cereals Sugarbeets California Citrus
Quilt Fungicide - DoMyOwn.com Quilt Fungicide is specifically formulated to control a broad spectrum of plant diseases. Contains propiconazole and azoxystrobin as its active ingredients that are both highly effective in preventing and controlling fungal diseases on crops.
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